SDW + Enneagram for Creativity Featured Speaker Leah Everson
“How Our Enneagram Motivations Create Resistance”
with Featured Speaker Leah Everson
Friday, September 27 at 7 p.m. CT
See the full SDW + Enneagram for Creativity Schedule here.
“How Our Enneagram Motivations Create Resistance:” Understanding the main motivations behind each Enneagram Type cuts through the reasons why we find ourselves stuck in our creative processes. In this session we will explore what we want and if it is helping us or hurting us. We will also discuss how self-compassion is vital for creativity when we face internal and external resistance.
Leah’s Recommended Enneagram Resources:
The Enneagram of Discernment by Drew Moser
Self to Lose - Self to Find by Marilyn Vancil
The Complete Enneagram by Beatrice Chestnut
Leah’s Upcoming Events, Courses, Etc.:
Knowing You: A Deep Dive into Your Type
Instagram Live with Leah Everson:
Leah Everson is a certified Enneagram Coach based in Minnesota with 10+ years of experience and a passion for helping others discover hope and healing.
She has a Masters of Divinity from Denver Seminary where she focused on pastoral counseling. After five years of pastoring in Denver and birthing two children, Leah and her family moved home to Minnesota. Since then, she has focused on caring for individuals and couples through Enneagram Coaching.
She is a member of Redbud Writers Guild and her written work can be found on her Substack: Compassionate Enneagram.
Learn more at
Follow Leah on Instagram at @leahdeverson