Nine Speakers. Nine Sessions. Nine Explorations of How the Enneagram Intersects with the Creative Process.

One Gathering.

September 27-28 | Zoom
Early Bird Pricing Available through 11:59 p.m. CT on September 9
Recordings Available to All Registered Participants

Spiritual Direction for Writers® + Enneagram for Creativity

Spiritual Direction for Writers® + Enneagram for Creativity Presenters

Featured Plenary Speakers will help set the tone for the entire gathering.

Plenary Speakers:

Opening Keynote Plenary with Micky ScottBey Jones
Saturday Morning Plenary with
Dr. Chelsea Brooke Yarborough
Endnote Plenary with
Rev Nhien Vuong

Spiritual Direction for Writers® + Enneagram for Creativity Schedule, Session Titles, and Descriptions

Friday, September 27

5 p.m. CT:
“Stories We Feel: Reimagining the Stories of Who We Are”
with Featured Opening Keynote Plenary Speaker Micky ScottBey Jones
As much as we like to think of ourselves as rational beings, our internal stories and outward actions are driven by how we long to feel in our bodies. When we get stuck in stories that don’t work, we make choices that don’t work either. In this session, we’ll bravely look at these internal stories, based on the 9 strategies each Enneagram type uses, and reimagine them in ways that honor our feelings and explore new possibilities for action.

6 p.m. CT: “Creating with Your Whole Self: Body, Mind, and Heart”
with Featured Speaker Dani Cooper
Open yourself to more inspiration and creativity by connecting to your three centers of intelligence: your body, mind, and heart centers. Learn how your Enneagram type tends to use one of these centers more than the others and how to be more intentional in accessing the other two in order to integrate  your whole beautiful self into your creative process. We’ll finish our session with time spent in nature to practice noticing our body sensations, thoughts, and emotional selves.

7 p.m. CT:  “How Our Enneagram Motivations Create Resistance”
with Featured Speaker Leah Everson
Understanding the main motivations behind each Enneagram Type cuts through the reasons why we find ourselves stuck in our creative processes. In this session we will explore what we want and if it is helping us or hurting us. We will also discuss how self-compassion is vital for creativity when we face internal and external resistance.

Saturday, September 28

9 a.m. CT: “The Enneagram and Liberation: A Communal Framework”

with Featured Saturday Morning Plenary Speaker Dr. Chelsea Brooke Yarborough
How can we transcend individual understanding to achieve collective liberation through the Enneagram? In these critical times, we call upon artists, creatives, and those with vivid imaginations to envision new possibilities for collective flourishing. This workshop proposes the Enneagram as a communal framework and provides participants with practices to explore thinking both within and beyond oneself using the Enneagram.

10 a.m. CT: “Integration, Harmony, and Creative Flow”
with Featured Speaker Lori Ferrell
The Harmony Triad Theory* helps us see our default tendencies and point us towards what we need in order to become more integrated and whole. Without this awareness, we tend to operate from our default motivation which supports the “false” self. While knowing our enneagram number brings awareness to our default way of doing and seeing, the harmony triad names the path towards integration for our number—helping us find balance and integration in all the triads—mind, body (gut), and heart. When we are centered and grounded, we are able to tap into our creative flow. 

*The Harmony Triad Theory comes from the book Spiritual Rhythms of the Enneagram: A Handbook for Transformation by Adele and Doug Calhoun, and Clare and Scott Loughrige.

11 a.m. CT “Embodiment and Consciousness”
with Featured Speaker Roger Conville
Being rather than doing allows compassion to come to our surface and creates an environment where peace can flourish. We will explore how top down living limits the wholeness of life while more attentive embodiment and integration of our three centers of intelligence–head, heart, and gut–enable greater connection for a full human experience. 

12 p.m. CT “You Are Enough: Ignoring the Whispers of Imposter Syndrome”
with Featured Speaker Andi Schrader

You’re about to put pen to paper, brush to canvas, when an unfriendly voice inside whispers “You can’t do this, no one wants to hear what you have to say.” Confronting our imposter, inner critics, or saboteurs is a part of living the creative life, but it need not stop us from sharing our unique beauty with the world. We’ll consider ways to recognize and banish the voices that keep us from embracing all that we are and all we have to give.

(Full 45-Minute Break)

1:30 p.m. CTLiving Life as Art: How the Enneagram Inspires Creative Expression”
with Featured Speaker Robbin Brent
Together we'll explore the fascinating intersection of the Enneagram and creativity, discovering how our unique Enneagram type can inspire authentic creative expression and empower us to live our lives as art. We'll take a brief tour through the specific gifts of each Enneagram type and discuss how understanding our "home" type can help us tap into our innate creative potential. Join us in this engaging conversation as we delve into the idea of crafting our lives as the ultimate creative expression in the world.

2:30 p.m. CT “The Enneagram for Your Creative Soul: A Way Forward”
with Featured Endnote Plenary Speaker Rev Nhien Vuong
Discover the nine creative gifts of soul that come from joining meditative practices with Enneagram wisdom. This closing session will blend Enneagram symbolism, Sufi poetry, and contemplative practices to shed light on how you see yourself, others, and the world. Your takeaways will include an expanded perspective, a contemplative Enneagram map, and inspiration for the path forward.