SDW + Enneagram for Creativity Featured Speaker Andi Schrader
“You Are Enough: Ignoring the Whispers of Imposter Syndrome”
with Featured Speaker Andi Schrader
Saturday, September 28 at noon p.m. CT
See the full SDW + Enneagram for Creativity Schedule here.
“You Are Enough: Ignoring the Whispers of Imposter Syndrome:” You’re about to put pen to paper, brush to canvas, when an unfriendly voice inside whispers “You can’t do this, no one wants to hear what you have to say.” Confronting our imposter, inner critics, or saboteurs is a part of living the creative life, but it need not stop us from sharing our unique beauty with the world. We’ll consider ways to recognize and banish the voices that keep us from embracing all that we are and all we have to give.
Andi’s Recommended Enneagram Resources:
Podcast: Artists for Joy Enneagram Types and Creativity
Andi’s Upcoming Events, Courses, Etc.:
I will have a retreat forthcoming in Europe 2025 designed for those want to explore their creativity and well being. It's not live yet, but will be soon. I offer ongoing individual coaching all the time. Learn more at
Instagram Live with Andi Schrader:
My happy place is being in nature or in my studio making art. As an avid traveler, creating transformational experiences at the intersection of art, self awareness and travel is my sweet spot.
My coaching certification is through the Co-Active Training Institute, a global leader in coach training. My coaching practice adheres to the values and ethics of ICF (the International Coaching Federation.) I am an Enneagram coach with an introductory certification and use this tool in my coaching. I have a BSW from Valparaiso Univ and an M.Ed from Kent State Univ. Other certifications include The Leadership Circle Profile® and The Be Well Lead Well Pulse ®.
My silver hair is accompanied by many stories from many countries and wilderness trips which I led while working with a campus ministry organization in my twenties. My favorite season is autumn and Dave and I have been married for 40 of those. I have two adult children, a son in law and two friendly grand pups. Gathering new friends into my tribe is a real treasure and I look forward to meeting you!
Learn more about Andi and her work at
Follow Andi on Instagram at @2acorns
Find her on Linked In as Andi Schrader, M.Ed., CPCC
And here’s a short teaching on Saboteurs from one of her art retreats in France.