Daily Nourishment + Upcoming Thoughtful Readers Gathering with Erik Fuhrer
If you need a great dose of creative nourishment for your mind, body, and soul, Erik Fuhrer’s Daily Nourishment submissions will help!
I’ll try to add the daily Pause/Prompt/Practice by noon (or 6 p.m. CT? or midnight?) each day this week through Friday.
I think Erik and I first connected through Taylor Swift as Books, and we have had so many lovely interactions and conversations about art, faith, doubt, mental health, writing, and all kinds of things since the beginning of our friendship.
I’m thrilled to share their Daily Nourishment offerings here and excited about featuring Erik and Gellar Studies during the Thoughtful Readers Gatherings TSAB Series in February. Learn more about the Thoughtful Readers Gatherings here.
Erik Fuhrer is the author of the forthcoming play The Ocean and its Movers (Free Lines Press, 2023), poetry collection Gellar Studies (Spuyten Duyvil, 2023), and memoir, My Buffed Up Life (SD, 2024). They are the author of six other poetry collections and hold a PhD from The University of Glasgow.
Learn more at erik-fuhrer.com
and follow Erik on Instagram at @erikjfuhrer
Daily Nourishment with Erik Fuhrer for Monday, December 18, 2023 (Here’s a link to the SDW Daily Nourishment email.)
“It sure is hard
to dance across
the room when you’ve got
one foot on the floor
and one foot
outside the door”
-Laura Veirs, “Little Deschutes”
Listen to Laura Veirs’ “Little Deschutes” at least one time.
Focus on the space around you. Observe how your body feels where you are (are you sitting/standing? what else?).
Observe some of the objects closest to you. What do they look like? Feel like? Do they remind you of anyone? If so, who? What is their relationship to the room? To you?
Freewrite for at least five minutes. Alternatively, you may make a list, a word cloud, or draw pictures. The main goal is to get your observations about the room and your feelings on the page.
Read over what you wrote/drew. Did these last five minutes of close observation change how you felt about the space you were in? Why or why not? Did it teach you anything new about the space? If so, what?
Write about what you learned for about three minutes.
Return to this space at least once more today. Try sitting/standing in a slightly different area. Note your observations in your journal.
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Read about 10 techniques for Mindful Writing.
Daily Nourishment with Erik Fuhrer for Tuesday, December 19, 2023 (Here’s a link for the SDW Daily Nourishment email.)
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Daily Nourishment with Erik Fuhrer for Wednesday, December 20, 2023 (Here’s a link to the SDW Daily Nourishment email.)
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Daily Nourishment with Erik Fuhrer for Thursday, December 21, 2023 (Here’s a link to the SDW Daily Nourishment email.)
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Daily Nourishment with Erik Fuhrer for Friday, December 22, 2023 (Here’s a link to the SDW Daily Nourishment email.)
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