Daily Nourishment for September 9, 2024: Taking Care with Guidance from Emily Hartford

Daily Nourishment Read Time: 50 seconds
Pause/Prompt/Practice Time: 15 minutes


Take six deep breaths in and out, breathing more slowly with each breath.  Tune into your body - what is asking for your attention?



Read the poem, “Taking Care” by Callista Buchen.

Read it through two more times, paying attention to what shimmers or grabs your attention.  Spend 5-7 minutes reflecting through writing.



Welcoming Prayer from Mary Mrozowski 

—With a few deep breaths, tune into what emotion you are feeling right now, and where in your body it is present.  Don’t analyse or try to change, but sink into the sensations as fully as you can.  Stay present.

—When you are ready, begin to welcome what you are feeling.  “Welcome, fear.” “Welcome, joy.”  Remember, to stay present to what you are feeling, not a particular situation.  If you are unable to name what you’re feeling, simply say, “Welcome.”  Repeat this process as many times as you need.

—Begin the third step, when you are ready, of letting go.  “I let go of this fear.”  “I let go of this feeling.”  Add, “I let go of my desire to change this feeling or this situation.”  Stay here for a few moments, repeating if needed, until you’re ready to let go.  

—Spend 5 minutes journaling about your experience with Welcoming Prayer

Want More?
Listen to “The Guest House” by Rumi. 

Draw or paint your inner Guest House for 5 minutes.


Upcoming Workshops & Gatherings
The September Co-Writing calendar is live.
—Early Bird Pricing Ends Monday Night—Spiritual Direction for Writers® + Enneagram for Creativity Gathering
will take place on Friday, September 27th and Saturday, September 28th. You can register here. All registered participants will have access to recordings.
The Great Belonging Project is live here and The Great Belonging Project October Refresh will take place Oct 1-Oct 31. The Great Belonging Project October Refresh is open for registration with Early Bird pricing of $10.

This week’s throwback Daily Nourishment Pauses, Prompts, and Practices were originally provided by Emily Hartford before we began sharing Daily Nourishment on the website.

A full-time mum living in Kansas, Emily Hartford is also a Babywearing and Birth Educator, photographer, and swing dancer. Growing up in rural Illinois, Emily began creating when she was in junior high school, sharing joyful space with women from her community in their crafting, knitting and quilting groups. These formative skills and relationships inspire Emily’s creations today.

*Please help us protect our intellectual property, our creative process, and the integrity of our work. Spiritual Direction for Writers® Daily Nourishment is covered under the Spiritual Direction for Writers® trademark. You are welcome to share this link with others, but any other use (written or spoken) is prohibited without written permission from Charlotte Donlon.


Daily Nourishment for September 10, 2024: We Walk Sightless Among Miracles with Guidance from Emily Hartford


Daily Nourishment for September 8, 2024: You Will Forget Much, If Not Everything