Daily Nourishment for March 4, 2024: Making Maps, Therapy, and Novel Writing
Daily Nourishment Read Time: 40 seconds
Pause/Prompt/Practice Time: 12 minutes
“I kept writing, and the writing showed me how to keep writing.”
- Erin Griffin Collum
“Making a Map: On Therapy and Novel Writing” by Erin Griffin Collum:
“Writing my novel became its own parallel track to my therapy sessions and to living in a pandemic. It helped me uncover what I wanted and thought and felt throughout a year that shoved us all out of our windows of tolerance. It helped me understand what I find fun, and it helped me validate myself. I wrote for the right reasons: because I wanted to, because it felt good, and because it was a project I cared about. Now, when the “before times” confusion sets in, it’s still hard. There’s still hurt and grit and darkness. There’s still news in my inbox about death tolls and division that knocks the breath out of me.
Nothing about the last year and a half has been easy or simple. And yet.
Now I know how to find my way. I know how to make a map.”
Set a timer for 10 minutes and journal or take notes in response to the quote above.
Use one or more of these questions if you like:
How do you know if you’re writing for the right reasons?
What are some of the wrong reasons?
How is writing a form of play for you?
How does writing help you know more of yourself?
How does writing help you find your way through difficulty?
Want More?
Read “Making a Map: On Therapy and Novel Writing”
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Today’s Daily Nourishment was provided by Charlotte Donlon.
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