Daily Nourishment for February 18, 2024: Unmixed Attention with Hallie Waugh, Colors, Matisse, and More
Daily Nourishment Read Time: 35 seconds
Pause/Prompt/Practice Time: 15 minutes
“Absolutely unmixed attention is prayer.”
—Simone Weil
Close your eyes for six slow breaths. Then, open them and look at your surroundings. What stands out as interesting? What is your eye drawn to? Where is the light? The shadow? Notice how it feels in your body to pay close visual attention to your surroundings.
Use your thumbs and forefingers to frame something in your environment. Take 7-10 minutes to write about what you see in the frame.
Sketch your surroundings.
Spend some time observing the colors and shapes in this painting by Matisse.
Read this poem by Mary Oliver.
Want More?
Listen to this RadioLab episode about the spectrum of colors we can (and can’t) see.
Upcoming Workshops & Gatherings
February: February Co-Writing schedule and registration options are ready.
February: Online Thoughtful Readers Gatherings with Crystal Wilkinson(2/18), and Erik Fuhrer(2/25)
February 24: Online Revision Stations Designed by Lauren F. Winner
Today’s Daily Nourishment was provided by Hallie Waugh.
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