Daily Nourishment for August 7, 2024: The Secret Symmetry of Our Souls
Daily Nourishment Read Time: 40 seconds
Pause/Prompt/Practice Time: 15 minutes
“May you be consoled in the secret symmetry of your soul.” - John O’Donohue
Take six deep breaths with a six-count inhale and a six-count exhale. Close your eyes and rest for a couple of minutes if you like.
A Blessing for Presence
by John O’Donohue
May you awaken to the mystery of being here
And enter the quiet immensity of your own presence.
May you have joy and peace in the temple of your senses.
May you receive great encouragement when new frontiers beckon.
May you respond to the call of your gift
And find the courage to follow its path.
May the flame of anger free you from falsity.
May warmth of heart keep your presence aflame and anxiety never [seldom] linger about you.
May your outer dignity mirror an inner dignity of soul.
May you take time to celebrate the quiet miracles that seek no attention.
May you be consoled in the secret symmetry of your soul.
May you experience each day as a sacred gift, Woven around the heart of wonder.
O’Donohue, J., (1998). Eternal Echoes. Exploring our hunger to belong. London, Bantam Books. p.139
There’s a line in that blessing that wraps words around my primary desire for others and myself:
“May you be consoled in the secret symmetry of your soul.”
That’s the line. That’s what I want for my spiritual direction clients and readers and guests and children and friends and family and all people.
I love the entire “Blessing for Presence” by John O’Donohue even though I like to replace the word “never” with “seldom” in that one line.
Which line or lines wraps words around some of your desires for yourself and others?
If you like, begin writing a blessing using your favorite line from the blessing above as a starting point.
May we be consoled in the secret symmetry of our souls.
And again: May we be consoled in the secret symmetry of our souls.
Want More?
Read Eternal Echoes by John O’Donohue
Upcoming Workshops & Gatherings
—The August Co-Writing Schedule is live.
—Spiritual Direction for Writers® + Enneagram for Creativity Gathering will take place on Saturday, September 28th. Recordings will be available if you can’t join us live. Early Bird registration live through September 9th.
August 31— Online Revision Stations Designed by Lauren F. Winner
Today’s Daily Nourishment was provided by Charlotte Donlon.
*Please help us protect our intellectual property, our creative process, and the integrity of our work. Spiritual Direction for Writers® Daily Nourishment is covered under the Spiritual Direction for Writers® trademark. You are welcome to share this link with others, but any other use (written or spoken) is prohibited without written permission from Charlotte Donlon.