Daily Nourishment for August 23, 2024: Hope Is Never Wasted with Guidance from Ashley M. Jones
Daily Nourishment Read Time: 40 seconds
Pause/Prompt/Practice Time: 15 minutes
“I do hope that much of the work we’re doing now to create equity will be studied as ‘how it got done’ rather than ‘another attempt in a lost war.’ And the fuel for the work is, after all, hope.” - Ashley M. Jones
Take six deep breaths with a six-count inhale and a six-count exhale. Then give your attention to your body. Where do you notice imbalance, pain, tension, energy? Can you breathe into those places and try to release anything you’re holding on to?
Read this quote by poet Ashley M. Jones:
America from a very young age. I saw the way my own parents worked tirelessly so we could be set up in the future. Now, in that future, I am endlessly grateful for what it must have cost to make a “fair” chance for Black children in the Deep South. My poetry reflects that gratefulness, and it reflects the truth of my existence, and I am always honored to be a part of any projects that value authenticity and the real humans who make this world work.”
Set a timer for six minutes and begin making a list of the people and experiences that have helped you have chances to make art and do good work over the years.
Then set a timer for six minutes and respond to the following questions through journaling or taking notes:
How did those who came before you contribute to or hinder your ability to make art and do other work?
How do your writing and other creative work honor the people, places, and things that helped form your present reality?
Want More?
Read “Hope Is Never Wasted: A Conversation with Ashley M. Jones and Rebecca Gayle Howell”
Upcoming Workshops & Gatherings
—The August Co-Writing Schedule is live.
—Spiritual Direction for Writers® + Enneagram for Creativity Gathering will take place on Friday, September 27th and Saturday, September 28th. Recordings will be available if you can’t join us live. You can register here.
—August 31— Online Revision Stations Designed by Lauren F. Winner
Today’s Daily Nourishment was provided by Charlotte Donlon.
*Please help us protect our intellectual property, our creative process, and the integrity of our work. Spiritual Direction for Writers® Daily Nourishment is covered under the Spiritual Direction for Writers® trademark. You are welcome to share this link with others, but any other use (written or spoken) is prohibited without written permission from Charlotte Donlon.