How to Navigate Your Writerly Angst

How does writing help you belong to yourself, others, God, and the world?

If you know the answers to these questions, you might have less writerly angst.

Maybe. Hopefully. Fingers crossed.

The writerly angst never goes away entirely because the writer soul is also the soul soul and the soul soul just has so much going on within it and around it and over it and under it.

If you haven’t seen the good words from @kjramseywrites recent post about the writing life yet, go read them.

K.J. has more followers than I’ll ever have. She’s sold more books than I’ll ever sell. (Maybe. We’ll see. Fingers crossed.💚)

But those markers of certain types of success don’t protect anyone from writerly angst.

Our souls will never be satisfied by book sales or followers (or one of the other dozens of things some writers *rightfully* desire), so one way to navigate the angst is to discover how writing (and every part of the writing life) deepens and broadens the belongings to the self, others, God, and the world.

Thank you for your words and writing and work, K.J. And thank you for being honest about the joys and difficulties of your creative work and spiritual life.

May we all notice how writing helps us belong, especially when we are all too familiar with how it makes us feel alone.

(And please don’t kill your writerly desires to get rid of your writerly angst. That’s definitely not the answer.💚)

*Originally posted on Instagram here.


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